Enroll Now
Registration Details
& Post-Registration Policies
Click Here To Enroll Now and To Secure Your Spot This Summer
Many Showball Camp Events Sell Out As Early As March.
All Showball Camps Sell Out Weeks Prior To The Event Start Date.
Register Now To Avoid The Waitlist.
3 Reasons Why You Should Enroll Now?
1) ALL CAMPS SELL OUT and the wait list is limited. Over 3,000 student-athletes will attend Showball this summer.
2) Players both deserve to and want to be recruited by DECISION-MAKERS: THE HEAD COACHES. Showball is the only showcase where Head Coaches attend to evaluate, to recruit and to interact with all participants and attendees.
3) Showball has been the NATION’S TOP RANKED CAMP since 2007. There is no secret why the camps sell out. Players who attend Showball GAIN AN ADVANTAGE IN THE RECRUITING PROCESS.
Ready To Register?
To Make Your Registration Process Easy Please Have The Following Information Available To Enter, So You Do Not Get Timed Out When Completing The Form.
1) Your SAT and/or ACT score information (if you have taken them)
2) Your GPA
3) Your summer coach name, contact number email address (if applicable)
4) Your credit card information (we accept all major credit cards)
5) OPTIONAL: At the end of the registration process you will have the option to purchase one of the following camp options:
o Video Package Click here to see a sample video.
o Certified Scouting Reports:
Click To View Sample Report 1
Click To View Sample Report 2
*Having the above information ready will allow you to complete the registration in a simple and efficient manner. Thank you!
Registration Details
Payment Method and Options:
Our secure online registration platform accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We do not accept e-check.
To secure your player’s roster spot, we require full payment at checkout.
Can’t Pay The Entire Tuition At This Moment?
No problem. We understand that not everyone can pay in full, so we are always here to help you as much as possible.
If you contact us, we can set arrange an automated payment plan, so you may spread out the payments as opposed to making the entire investment at one time.
Please note the following information related to payment plans:
- You will need to contact us BEFORE you regsiter to take advnatage of the payment plan. Once you pay in full, we are unable to offer a refund of any amount.
- The agreed-upon payment plan will require partial payments leading up to the camp date.
- Full payment will be due at least two weeks prior to the camp start date.
- We will require a credit card on file, so our regsitration system automatically will process partial payments on the dates we agree upon.
- If you would like to explore payment plan options, please CLICK HERE to write us an email so we may learn more about the flexiblity you are requesting. Thank you.
Or feel free to contact us by phone.
Online Registration: What To Expect
Showball Camps uses Active Network’s secure registration system to process all camp transactions. Active is a global company known as a leader in simplicity, security and privacy. Our company has used the Active platform for well over a decade without experiencing any problems.
Please expect the registration process to take approximately 10 minutes per participant. We apologize in advance for the required time commitment, however please trust we need to gather important information to ensure the college coaches receive the necessary information before the camp event date. Thank you for your patience and understanding. If you need assistance at any time, contact us.
Important Note:
The online enrollment process will “time-out” on you if you happen to leave one of the pages untouched for longer than 15 minutes (this applies only to a page, not the entire flow of the registration process. Unfortunately, there is not a save button, so please keep the time limit in mind.
To expedite your registration experience, please have all relevant information on hand before you register.
This information includes but is not limited to:
1) Your SAT and/or ACT score information (if you have taken them).
2) Your GPA
3) Your summer team coach name, contact number and email address (if applicable)
4) Your credit card information (we accept all major credit cards).
No Refund | Cancellation Policy
Showball does not offer cash, check, credit card, or any other forms of refunds under any circumstances.
All cancellations must be submitted via email to info@showballbaseball.com.
- Cancellations made less than 2 weeks (14 days) from the start date of a camp will forfeit their tuition. There are no exceptions.
- Cancellations occurring between 14 and 28 days from the start date of an event will receive a half credit*.
- Cancellations occurring outside of 28 days from the start date of a camp will receive a full credit* towards a future camp. The credit* will good for 1 year from the start date of the cancelled camp. In addition, the credit* may be transferred to another player at the same position or an available position for the desired camp.
- The credit will be valid for 1 year from the start date of the cancelled camp.
- The credit may be transferred to another player at the same position or an available position for the desired camp. In other words, the camp or positions available for certain camps may be sold out or full, so there are no guarantees since enrollment is based on a first come, first serve basis.
- *Definition of a Credit:
- A credit is not defined by a financial amount. Instead, a credit simply means the participant has abandoned a slot for one camp event and in return, the participant may use the abandoned slot and apply the slot to a future event.
- The credit (slot) that Showball issues can be applied to a future event, but this transaction and transfer will not create a remaining balance that favors the participant. This specifically applies in a scenario when/if the camp event the participant is applying the credit to has a discounted or lowered tuition than the original purchase price of the event.
- Moreover, if the credit is applied to a future camp event that is more expensive than the original amount of the credit issued, the participant must pay the difference (the additional amount of the tuition) since Showball reserves the right to raise pricing or eliminate discounts event-to-event and year-to-year.
- The same credit rules apply to additional “session options” (ie: Certified Scouting Reports, Video Evaluations, etc) as they do for the camp tuition.
- EXAMPLES OF CREDIT/SLOTS and how they may be applied:
- Participant pays $1,000 for an event and $400 for a video evaluation. The participant cannot attend and requests a credit for an upcoming event in the timeframe defined above and therefore, requests a credit.
- One year later, the participant wants to use the credit for a camp event that has a tuition less than the original amount of the credit, which in this example is $800. Also, the new pricing for the video evaluation is now $300. In this scenario, the participant may use, if a slot is available, the credit to enroll in the new event, however, the participant will not be provided with a refund or any additional credit, even though the current tuition of the event is less than the original tuition of the event. So, this participant could apply the credit (slot) to the new camp event and also for the video evaluation, but since the tuition and pricing is less, there will be no refund or additional credit applied to the participant.
- Moreover and to the contrary, if the new event’s tuition (or the session option is more expensive), then the participant may apply full value of their original purchased tuition, but any remaining balance must also be paid for on top of the credit used.
- So, if the event costs $1,100 and the video evaluation costs $500, the participant would apply the credit from the year prior, but owe an additional $200 ($100 for the increased camp event tuition; $100 for the increased amount of the video evaluation).
- Again, all cancellations must be submitted via email to info@showballbaseball.com.
Need To Redeem / Apply a Credit From Last Year?
Unfortunately, our online registration system may not allow you to redeem your credit during the checkout process.
Therefore, if you have a credit and you would like to apply the credit to your camp balance, it is imperative that you contact us PRIOR to registering for camp, since we cannot issue a refund once you register and pay in full.
If you need assistance with this process, contact us.
Inclement Weather Policy
Since all expenses are paid in their entirety prior to the start of the camp, there are no refunds under any circumstance.
However, in the event of inclement weather, Showball reserves the right to modify the camp schedule and format in order to complete as much of the camp as possible.
IncThis includes shortening workouts, drills and/or games. Although we will not extend the camp to another day, we will certainly do everything in our power to provide a complete and professional experience.
Force Majeure: In the event of a Natural Disaster, to include but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, or any other unforeseen disruption, Showball reserves the right to reschedule the event until such time as is appropriate as determined by Showball.
Transfers, Waitlist, and Cancellation Policy
Due to the limited availability and the popularity of Showball Camp Events, there are no refunds under any circumstance. We are sorry, but there are no exceptions, but one: the only exception is if Showball cancels a camp session.
Although we have never cancelled a camp since we opened our program back in 2007, in the event that Showball must cancel an event due to unforeseen circumstances (unrelated to weather – see below), you will receive a full refund.
Once you register for camp your roster spot is not transferable.
The only execption is if you have received special permission to receive a credit, due to an approved cancellation – only permitted by the owner of the camp.
Please assume nothing and instead, contact us with any points of clarification or questions. Thank you.
If Showball Cancels a Camp
If Showball Camps cancels a program for any reason, you will receive a full refund. The cancellation policy does not apply to any inclement weather that may impact the camp’s scheudle for a day or partial days. There is no refund for inclement weather.
Please note we would only cancel a program for two reasons:
- The program has extremely low enrollment. However, this has never happened since we started Showball back in 2007.
- The camp location/venue and/or environment was unsafe to operate a camp.
Note: Force Majeure: In the event of a Natural Disaster, to include but not limited to, hurricanes, earthquakes, or any other unforeseen disruption, Showball reserves the right to reschedule the event until such time as is appropriate as determined by Showball.
Transfer To Another Session Date
Provided you email us at least two-weeks in advance of the camp start date you want to transfer out of, you may change the date of the session you enrolled your player, but only if the camp you want to transfer to is not sold out. In this case, we will be unable to accommodate your request to trasnfer.
Therefore, we cannot guarantee your request will be fulfilled. Our apologies in advance.
However, and again, transferring to another event is permitted so long as the newly-chosen event has not reached full capacity and the request is to transfer into another camp event in the same year. In other words, you cannot transfer a camp registration from one year to the next year.
*To transfer your registration to a new event date, please contact us and complete the form that repersents “you are already enrolled.”
Waitlist Policy
If a Showball Camp is sold out, our registration system will allow you to join the waitlist for that camp event.
What happens after I am placed on the waitlist?
- If a roster slot opens up for the waitlisted program you registered for, we will fill that spot in the order (earliest date to latest date of joining the waitlist) with players who registered for the camp event. In other words, we follow the “first come first served” system for our waitlist.
- Once a spot opens up, we will immediately contact you via phone and email. Due to the popularity and density of the wailist, you will have about one hour to respond to our team. If you reply within an hour and want to join the camp, we will need to enroll you on the spot and thefore, require full payment at that time. You may also decline the roster spot at no charge.
- If we contact you and you do not respond to us within the stated period, as announced above (and in our phone call, voicemail or email communication), then we will continue to contact the next family on the waitlist until the spot is filled.
When Is The Waitlist Closed / When Should I Plan On NOT Expecting To Attend The Program I am Waitlisted For?
- We will close the waitlist 2 days prior to the start date of the program you are waitlisted for. Example: There may be a few rare exceptions where we may open up a roster spot as soon as 12 hours prior tot he camp start time/day, especially if a family is on the wailist and lives in the same city where the camp event is being hosted.
- However, in almost all circumstance, once we close the wailist, we will contact you to let you know that we do not have space for the camp event you chose and that the camp will not permit any player to transition from the waitlist to an actual roster/camp slot.
- You will receive an email from our customer care team, but please also note our procedure. When in doubt, if you have not heard from our team up to the last two days prior to the camp start date, you can assume there are no open spots for you to attend camp. In this case, we certinaly hope you will register and ernoll in another Showball Camp.
- LASTLY: If you are on the waitlist and you prefer to remove yourself from. the waitlist, please send us an email and we will remove you from the list immediately. Taking the time to communicate with us would be very much appreciated, so we may offer the potential slot to the next player on the list. Thank you.
*If you have any questions OR to remove yourself from the camp waitlist, please contact us:
For record-keeping purposes, cancellations of players on a waitlist will not be taken over the phone or in person at the camp location.
View The Example Video Below
Showball works with Play To Win (PTW) to provide this additional service and unique opportunity. The Video and Metrics Package Includes The Following:
The Video and Analytics Package* serves several purposes and have a number of benefits.
- Reminder to the attending coaches of how he performed
- An analytic tool to help with improvement*
- A tracking video for progression purposes
- To share as a current snapshot of his game to coaches who may not have been in attendance – provided as a YouTube link, distribution is as easy as sending an email
- Provides a relative benchmark of your performance (Spin Rate, Strike Percentage by pitch type, Velocity, and so much more)
*Analytics are provided for Academic Camps only.

At Every Showball Camp, PTW will help student-athletes and families navigate the recruiting process by discussing the following:
- ABC’s of college recruiting
- Differences between D1, D2, D3, NAIA and JuCo
- Financial considerations and offsets (athletic money, merit awards & financial aid)
- Test optional schools and the differences between SAT vs. ACT
- Impact of the NCAA recruiting rule change
- Q&A – PTW answers all questions